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Her Time is a purposefully designed warm and inviting space for women to safely and comfortably explore what is happening in their lives.

Whether this is wanting to understand or move from the impacts of domestic or family violence, trauma, relationship stresses or losses, anxiety, depression, grief or building self-esteem.

As a trauma-informed counselling service, Her Time does not only understand that healing is having a trusted, valued, and warm relationship with your therapist. But it is also in creating an energetically beautiful, gentle, secure space around you that helps you safely begin a journey that will support you in returning to well-being.

Every step of the way at Her Time should be a journey that will heal, reconnect, and safely challenge you. A journey that connects you back to you, to your values, dreams, passions and worth.

Her Time is your safe space to reflect, learn and grow.

*Accessing Her Time involves navigating a small section of stairs. If this will be difficult for you, please advise the counsellor before booking an appointment and we will organise to meet in a more convenient space for you.