
Booking an Appointment

You can phone, email or text to enquire about Her Time support and availability. Please note that I am often in appointments so if you phone and leave a message I will get back to you as soon as I am able.

Appointment availability is based on capacity so there may be wait times before you can book an appointment. If a MHCP is received by your GP or sent through by you, you will be placed on the waitlist and contacted with approximate wait times for an appointment. Appointments are offered between the hours of 8 am and 4 pm during the weekdays only.

Appointments are for 60 minutes. There are no waiting room facilities at the Her Time space. Please arrive on time or a few minutes early. Sometimes it cannot be helped and you may be running late for your appointment, please note however if you are not here on time, your session cannot be extended further than the scheduled 60 minutes due to another client session and the fee for the whole of the session is still payable.

Sessions can be held face to face, via zoom, skype, teams, facetime or by phone.

Fees and Out of Pocket Expenses

If you have a MHCP (better access to mental health plan) which may be available through your GP, the current out-of-pocket fee payable is $85 per session. The session is to be paid in full on completion of the session and the rebate will be processed through Medicare on receipt of payment.

If you do not wish to or are unable to obtain, a MHCP but still wish to obtain support from Her Time, fees are currently set at $170.00 per session.

Eftpos is available for payment on the day.

Please note: there is a strict 24-hour notice cancellation policy and the cancellation fee is completely out of your pocket (ie it is not coverable by medicare or a third-party provider).

Third Party Payments and Organisational Fees

Fees for organisations, insurance companies and third-party payment organisations are based on the current and recommended fees as set out by work cover Qld, Victims Assist Qld and Victims Services NSW.

Social Work Supervision

Fees for individual social work supervision are set at $170.00 plus gst per 60 minute session.

If you have any queries whatsoever, please don’t hesitate to contact Karen at Her Time.

Cancellation Policy & Fees

We understand that appointments can not always be kept especially when work, children, illness, life gets in the road. If you have confirmed your appointment through the database or via text but need to cancel, you are required to give a minimum of 24 hours notice. If this notice is not received you are liable for the fee of $150.00 for the session. Medicare does not cover cancellation fees.

Sometimes we are able to fill your spot within the 24 hours notice period as a cancellation waitlist is maintained. If we are able to fill your appointment, the fee is waived.

There is no fee for any appointment cancelled with over 24 hours notice.

We understand that your needs for therapy may change between appointments. The Her Time booking system sends appointment reminders and requests and you confirm or cancel your appt through that system. Please note that if you cancel two appointments in a row in the booking system, and you have not let Her Time know that wish to continue on with therapy, any remaining appointments booked are automatically cancelled. You are absolutely welcome to reconnect at any time in the future when it works for you again. If you have any queries or concerns about this, please contact Karen.

Please don’t hesitate to phone me if you have any queries about any of the above.