Coming to therapy isn’t the only thing that helps the journey. When we are committed to the journey of recovery, information and support comes from many places. This can include reading, writing, poetry, art, music, nature, meditation, exercise, inspiration and giving yourself some space. Below are just of the some books that myself and other women have found helpful in the journey and you might too. Everyone is different and everybody’s journey is unique, so it is important to find what works for you. Please note - If you are not ready to read about trauma or experiences of domestic violence, trust this.

See What you Made me Do - Jess Hill (domestic violence)

Blame Changer - Understanding Domestic Violence - Carmel O’Brien (domestic violence)

The Mother Wound - Amani Haydar (domestic violence)

A Mother’s story - Rosie Batty (domestic violence and family violence)

Why does he do that? - Lundy Bancroft (domestic violence)

It’s Not You - identifying and healing from narcissistic people - Dr Ramani Durvasula (domestic and family violence)

Women who run with the Wolves - Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Discovering the Inner Mother - Bethany Webster

Why Women are Blamed for Everything & Sexy but Psycho - Dr Jessica Taylor

Trauma and Recovery - Judith Herman Lewis

Trauma Trials, Recreating Song Lines - Judith Atkinson

What Happened to Me - Oprah Winfrey and Dr Bruce Perry (trauma)

The Body keeps the Score - Bessel Van Der Kolk (trauma)

My Grandmother’s Hands, Racialised trauma and the Pathways to Mending our Hearts and Bodies - Resmaa Menakem

The Politics of Trauma - Staci Haines

Rage becomes Her - The power of women’s anger - Soraya Chemaly

The Happiness Trap & The Reality Slap - Russel Harris

Burning Woman - Lucy H. Pearce

Feminism is for everyone - bell hooks

The Gifts of Imperfection & Daring Greatly - Brene Brown

Radical Acceptance - Tara Brach

Fight Like a Girl & Boys will be Boys - Clementine Ford

Belonging - Tokapa Turner

Fully Human - Steven and Sharon Biddulph

Addiction to Perfection - Marion Woodman

Grounded Spirituality - Jeff Brown

The Myth of Normal - Gabor Mate (trauma)

When the Body says No - Gabor Mate (trauma)

She is not your Rehab - Matt and Sarah Brown (domestic violence)

What my bones Know - Stephanie Foo (Childhood Abuse - Trauma)

Emotional Labour - Rose Hackman

Our Polyvagal World - Stephen Porges (Trauma)

Poem by Patricia Ann Reilly